REDI’s Programs
Home Energy Link Program (HELP)
In partnership with City of Willits and North Coast Energy Services, REDI provides affordable assistance to install energy-efficient features and reduce energy and heating costs for income-eligible local residents, plugging the energy leaks in our community.
Small Business Energy Alliance (SBEA) This incentive program links small businesses and other entities in the region to energy efficiency improvements to their facilities, funded by California ratepayers and local grants.
Flex Your Power
Through a program of the California Public Utilities Commission, REDI reaches out to our rural communities with education and materials on how to save energy.
Through this PG&E program, REDI helps people apply for low-cost lifeline utility service. More information and an application for the CARE program (English and Español) are here.
Economic Localization/ Energy Loan Fund (ELF)
At our local bank, REDI is establishing a micro-loan program to help people with the capital costs of energy-related improvements.
REDI’s residential headquarters is a demonstration of new energy technologies, healthy building renovation, and sustainable landscapes.
Renewable Energy Education
Our education methods include classes, hands on workshops, conferences, and a multi media library archive project.
Solar & Hydrogen Research Club
Enthusiasts explore and experiment with emerging solar and hydrogen technologies.